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Welcome to our dedicated space for the 3-hour ThinkingGiving course, created by Sylvia Brown Smart Donors and incubated by the Beacon Collaborative.

ThinkingGiving is the first donor education product designed specifically for small and midsize donors, as well as individuals at the beginning of their philanthropic journey and more established donors who’ve had a lacklustre experience to date. The brainchild of Sylvia Brown, philanthropist dedicated to empowering effective giving, she’s also the course host, guiding learners through the modules.


 It offers straightforward, practical guidance to empower you to make more thoughtful and effective charitable giving decisions. Consisting of seven modules, learners progress from choosing a cause and issue area to selecting a high performing charity.

Each module is made up of short videos that use a mix of live case studies, background information, useful advice, exercises and even a few myth busters. By completing the workbook exercises along the way, participants develop a personal roadmap for their charitable giving.

Jump on this course with a special Be The Difference discount voucher!

Be The Difference is proud to be an affiliate for this much-needed course.

We’re delighted to offer Be The Difference friends a voucher discount code worth £20 (full price £195, £175 after voucher code applied).

Click HERE to purchase the course. Add voucher code DoGood2day to unlock your discount at the checkout!