#GoodSynergy - Jacob Marshall

The #GoodSynergy podcast meets, Jacob Marshall, impassioned student and campaigner.

In this episode, interviewer Abigail Tate and fellow student, chats with Jacob about climate activism, specifically Extinction Rebellion (also known as ‘XR’) a worldwide movement aiming to stop social and ecological collapse due to climate change through disobedience, as well as the STOP HS2 and HS2 Rebellion campaigns. HS2 is a high-speed rail network spanning Birmingham to London met with significant opposition from the public and XR.

Since 2018 the conversation around climate change has been catapulted into the public domain. Extinction Rebellion protests have amassed crowds of thousands having appeared across the UK and sparking a global movement to combat the climate emergency. This has forced the government to acknowledge the importance of the planet we live on, and work towards combating the destruction of this.

Jacob shares his personal journey and lived experience of being a climate activist in the UK.

Further Information

Extinction Rebellion

Stop HS2


#GoodSynergy - Placemaking with Nathan Coyle and Rich Collins


#GoodSynergy - Natasha Muller